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We want to help pupils get ready for their future by teaching them things that will be useful and help them succeed in life.


We want pupils to feel good about themselves, love learning new things, care about their community, and have positive relationships with others.


We want pupils to have fun, learn to laugh with their friends, build a sense of humour and have fun.


We want pupils to learn as much as they can, discover new things, be curious, creative, independent and strong, so they can be the best they can be.

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Latest News

09 February 2025

It was National Storytelling Week and this year's theme is 'Reimagine Your World'. Mrs Homewood has set up a competition for children from all year groups to write their own story based on this theme, and the winners will be announced on Monday! Year 6 have been given their own area in OWL and have spent the last two sessions clearing the brambles and building a wall. Excellent teamwork! It was Otter Week in OWL and Year 4 learned facts about where these animals live and their favourite food. Year 3 did some soil testing in the allotment's raised beds to investigate if it is sandy, silty or clay. Year 5 cooked popcorn and boiled water using the Kelly Kettle on the campfire to make hot chocolate. Year R were busy exploring, climbing, swinging, jumping, and working together to problem-solve! Year 1 have been learning about weather symbols and making their own with different materials; they've also explored the way the different seasons affect creatures such as the common frog.

07 February 2025

As part of Year 3's topic, 'Rocks and Relics', we did some soil testing. This week we tested the soil in the raised beds at the school allotment. We are finding out if it is sandy, silty or clay. Next week we will look at soil from another area to make a comparison.

05 February 2025

Figures from Ofcom claim that nearly 3.5 million British children have encountered a scam online, and it's vital we learn how to recognise their tactics and protect youngsters against them This week's guide and the latest episode of the #WakeUpWednesday podcast deal with the topic of 'fake news' and how it might be used to make scams seem more persuasive. Download here >> Listen here >>

31 January 2025

We have had some lovely feedback this week from Kevin Hollman who is the Chef Manager working across the Trust. He was cooking and serving in the kitchen today and said the children are a credit to the school, they were so polite and thanked the staff for cooking such great food. This week, year 2 have been playing the matching game and the pairs game to help them learn about contractions in Writing. They have achieved 300 ClassDojo points as a class, and their chosen reward was to bring in a cuddly toy to school today. Well done Year 2! Year 6 delivered a fantastic class assembly on Wednesday, all about the Titanic disaster. They told the whole school what they'd learnt about Morse Code, how the ship sank, and acted out what it was like to be a passenger on board the ship. George welcomed us in and out by playing 'The Last Waltz' for us on the piano, which sounded beautiful. Year 1 have been learning the names of 3D shapes, about vertices, edges and faces, and how they might organise the shapes into groups. Year 3 looked at Fibonnaci patterns in nature and practised their drawing and shading skills to create their own beautiful patterns. Year 4 had a great time practicing dynamic balance on the PE equipment! Year R had a fun performing arts workshop where they did role-play, dancing, and games. There was lots of energy and happy, smiling faces!

30 January 2025

Year 3 have been learning about 'Fibonnaci patterns' in nature, which are created by a sequence of numbers and shapes. They can be found in the most unexpected of places if you look closely. The children have been drawing their own beautiful Fibonnaci patterns! #Totton #naturelovers

29 January 2025

Big and difficult feelings are part of growing up, they can be easier to handle with guidance and support. This week's guide and the latest episode of the #WakeUpWednesday podcast offer expert advice on helping youngsters develop emotional literacy. Download here >> Listen here >>

29 January 2025

Check out our new window display at Co-op on Salisbury Road! The children have created some beautiful Valentines Day art to brighten the day of the local community. Totton Together #Totton

29 January 2025

Happy Birthday Mrs Nightingale! Lots of love from all at Oakfield

27 January 2025

Happy birthday to our wonderful cook, Sam. Thank you for feeding us all so well! Lots of love from Oakfield

24 January 2025

We've been taking part in the RSPB's Big School's Birdwatch in OWL this week; finding out which birds visit our school grounds to help with conservation efforts. Year 4 spotted 8 different species, which we've reported back to the RSPB. The most spotted species were Wood Pigeons, Great Tits, Blackbirds, and a few Robins! It's the RSPB's Big Garden Birdwatch Weekend... if you'd like to take part spotting birds for an hour with your children, check out their 1-minute video on what to do: Year R are fully embracing the spirit of OWL and were exploring our woodland area in their second session this year. They went on a bear hunt, used ropes to make things, laid in 'The Big Hole', and climbed lots of trees. Year 5 did some 'Newt-Scooping' in our pond and put on a show for their classmates... Year 3 also did some bird-spotting, dug for rocks for their new Geography topic, and rescued a butterfly. In class, Year 3 have been learning their 8x tables, and Year 1 used teddies and cubes to help with their subtraction number sentences. Year 4 have studied rivers and their uses in Geography, and Year 2 have been busy learning how seeds and bulbs grow, planting daffodils, and experimenting with cress seeds. Our Boomreader champions are......Year 4! Congratulations!

24 January 2025

RSPB's Big Garden Birdwatch is this weekend!! Connect with the wildlife around you and contribute to the conservation effort by participating in the annual RSPB Big Garden Bird Watch from 24th – 26th January. It only takes an hour. It's a wonderful opportunity to slow down, appreciate the natural world, and make a positive impact! To sign up, click here: #RSPB #Birdwatching

23 January 2025

The promise of Springtime... Year 2 have been learning about how bulbs and seeds grow, and planted their own daffodils and cress seeds. They're excited to see them grow!

22 January 2025

From data privacy worries to potential costs, it's important to understand the risks posed by fitness apps – especially for younger users. This week's guide from National College and their latest episode of the #WakeUpWednesday podcast address some concerns around these platforms Download here >> Listen here >>

19 January 2025

In school this week Year 4 have been learning about solids, liquids and gases, while Year 5 have been busy learning Multiplication, thought about what it's like being a grown up for PSHE, and mapping out stories to learn off by heart. On Wednesday, Year 6 had an amazing trip to the Sea City Museum for their topic of the Titanic, where they learned Morse Code, explored artefacts, and saw how the city of Southampton has had an important role in historic events. We received feedback about their excellent behaviour from the tour guide. I'm so proud of you, Year 6! Year 1 have been learning about the Great Fire of London, role playing for their Magic Porridge Pot story and making pictures with shells. Year R had their very first class assembly, and absolutely smashed it – they remembered their lines, sang the songs, and sat patiently! They've made bird feeders in OWL, climbed trees and made 'chocolate cakes' in the mud kitchen. Year 3 have been drawing their own (rather scary!) Celtic Warriors and investigating how and why hillforts were made. Coming Soon – in partnership with the PTA, we'll be introducing an online shop for second-hand uniform, saving you money and preventing waste. More information about this will be sent in the next few weeks.

15 January 2025

Can you help us with some DIY jobs, please? Totton Volunteers We have a large wooden Ark for children to play on, but it needs some serious repairs to make it safe again. Our greenhouse also needs repairing (we have polycarbonate sheets to do it) A trolley the children use at Forest School needs welding/reattaching. If you are able to spare some time to help us, please give us a call on 02380 862530 or email . We are based off Sylvia Crescent, by the Co-Op on Salisbury Road, Totton. Thank you!

15 January 2025

Community of Totton, Oakfield Academy need your help! Totton Together We'd be so grateful of donations for the children to use at our Forest School (aka OWL), please: Metal kitchen utensils, pans and baking trays A pestle and mortar for our Mud Kitchen Small cupboards with doors or shelves to be converted into a play oven/stove Large, sturdy cable drums Scaffold planks or similar to use as paths in raised beds. Please give us a call on 02380 862530 or email if you're able to help us. We're based just off Salisbury Road, near the Co-Op. Thank you!

15 January 2025

With approximately 220 million users under 18, TikTok is a social media titan among children and young people. But just because it's popular, doesn't mean it's free from risks. This week's guide and the #WakeUpWednesday podcast take a fresh look at these safety concerns and lets you know how to keep young TikTok users safe Download here >> Listen here >>

12 January 2025

We've enjoyed a frosty first week in 2025, and Year R had their very first OWL session! The children all had great fun exploring the different areas. They've splashed in the mud, whizzed down the slide, found ice, made dens, and checked the temperature (a very chilly 3 degrees!). The theme at OWL this week was Bird Migration and the classes have been talking about the birds that visit our area in the winter. Year 3 popped up to the allotment to check on the garlic we planted last term (which is doing well), made some dens and shelters and did some running about to warm up! Year 5 tried 'Wassailing', a traditional Southern-English (and very noisy) procession to bless the fruit trees in the allotment, and decorated them with colourful ribbon. They tasted some apple juice that was made from Mrs Isaac's mum's apples in her small orchard in Somerset. Denuwan made a whisk from the top of the old Christmas tree! Year 2 have started their Maths this term by practicing recognising coins and notes and counting them in 1s, 2s, 5s and 10s. Year 1 had their Beaulieu Workshop, and their special visitor Shelley helped them to investigate different parts of cars. They found out that there are hot water bottles, brakes, lamps, a horn, and light bulb holders. Shelley helped us to make our own cars and test them on a ramp in the school hall. It was RE week and each class are studying a different religion. Year 5 have been finding out about Ramadan and how important it is for Muslims to 'fast' during the month of Ramadan. Mr AJ has challenged the class to try 'going without' something that is important to them on one day this weekend. Such as TV, internet access, toys, or sweet food; starting at sunrise on the chosen day and ending as the sun sets. Year 3 have examined Lent on the Christian calendar; completing research into what Ash Wednesday is and what Christians do to mark this celebration. While Year 6 have looked at the upcoming Buddhist celebration of Parinirvana and explored the Buddhist wheel of life: following the cycle of birth and rebirth until you have achieved perfect peace and entered Nirvana. Year 6 have also been converting between fractions, decimals and percentages and solving tricky problems involving the three; and getting their 'bop on' in PE using a Daft Punk classic to dance as a robot to a 4-count beat, focusing on movement, levels and turns! We had our Gold Frames assembly this afternoon, which was rescheduled from our Christingle service which had to be cancelled last term. Well done to all the children that have received a Gold Frame for exceptional pieces of work... I'm so proud of you all! We have also welcomed Mrs Homewood who has been getting to know the staff and children more this week. She is looking forward to teaching Y3 on Tuesday mornings.

11 January 2025

Happy Birthday to our wonderful lunchtime assistant, Elaine! With love from all at Oakfield

07 January 2025

Happy Birthday Miss Thompson! With love from all at Oakfield

01 January 2025

Wishing all our Facebook followers a prosperous and Happy New Year! We're looking forward to sharing all our exciting activities and learning opportunities with you in the year ahead. From Oakfield Academy

26 December 2024

Many of our pupils may have received a new phone, games console or other digital device for Christmas, and it can be wise for parents/guardians to place some protective measures on those gifts – to keep their child shielded from potential #OnlineSafety risks. This guide from National Online Safety shepherds you through the process of establishing parental controls on new internet-enabled devices, from smartphones to laptops to consoles. Simply find the device in question and read on to find out what options you have and how to enable them – letting children enjoy their shiny new gadget, without so much of the worry over where it might lead them.

25 December 2024

Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas! From everyone at Oakfield Academy

20 December 2024

When parents and carers finally have the chance to spend some quality time with their child over Christmas, many face a familiar struggle to prise their young ones' attention away from their phone, console, tablet or computer. Fun family bonding over the festive period, however, doesn't have to exclude devices. There are sackfuls of Christmas activities and ideas online which grown-ups and children can enjoy together. National Online Safety have compiled a 'nice list' of seasonal suggestions of how to make the most of the online world this Christmas - such as video calling relatives, playing video games as a family and listening to your favourite seasonal songs online.


Contact Us

Oakfield Academy, Sylvia Crescent,
Totton, Hampshire,
SO40 3LN

02380 862530


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