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Mental health?

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Call 999

Hampshire Children Services:  0300 555 1373 

         Hampshire CAMHS:        0300 304 0050

Visit Hampshire Safeguarding

Speak with Miss Poole


Image of Miss Poole

Miss Poole
Designated Safeguarding Leader

Image of Mrs Sinclair

Mrs Sinclair
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leader


Image of Kelly Collins

Dr Kelly Collins
 Safeguarding Governor

Safeguarding at Oakfield

Designated Safeguarding Leader (DSL): Miss Poole

Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leaders ( DDSL): Miss Bray, Mrs Light-Rowsell & Mrs Sinclair.

  • Miss Poole is the first point of contact in school for families and can often support them straightaway - email

  • The staff and governors at Oakfield recognise that children can be vulnerable to various forms of abuse and may be exposed to social factors that negatively impact their lives; such as domestic violence, substance misuse, bullying, mental health issues, and radicalisation. We are aware that safeguarding incidents can occur anywhere and remain vigilant in identifying potential concerns.

  • Our curriculum is designed to teach children how to stay safe and happy. We foster an understanding that any concern or worry they may have is valid and encourage them to share their concerns with a trusted adult; whether at home, school, or through ChildLine.

  • Our entire staff team is prepared to support you with safeguarding matters; offering advice and assistance when needed. Our Designated Safeguarding Leads (DSLs) communicate daily and hold regular meetings to discuss any concerns raised, review each other's work, and determine the most effective ways to support children and families in need.

  • DSLs collaborate with families directly and engage with external partners and agencies that can provide additional resources or expertise to address the unique needs of each situation.

Ways we safeguard children

Safeguarding image

Click here to see how we safeguard our children online.


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